Program Executive Office
Program Executive Office, Strategic Submarines (PEO SSBN) enables proactive and focused management for strategic deterrence, sustainment, and infrastructure.
Rear Admiral Todd Weeks, USN
Program Executive Office, Strategic Submarines
Captain Mark C. Parrella
Program Manager, COLUMBIA Class Submarine Program
Enhanced Design
The COLUMBIA class ships will perform the same mission of today’s OHIO Class but with two fewer ships. They are designed to have a longer service life, better operational availability, and better survivability than their predecessors providing a 21st century capability at a responsible cost. COLUMBIA design maximizes commonality with OHIO and VIRGINIA Class allowing versatility in training, homeporting, logistics.
Each of the 12 COLUMBIA Class submarines the Navy plans to buy will be 560 feet long, 43 feet in diameter and will be expected to operate in defense of the country and her allies for 42 years. They are a critical, stabilizing, and efficient element of our nation’s nuclear deterrence and reassurance.
Columbia Class Submarine Specifications
Number in class: At least 12
Length: 560 feet
Diameter: 43 feet
Service Life: 42 years
Number of Missile Tubes: 16
Weapon System: Trident II D5 Life Extension Fleet Ballistic Missile
Submerged Displacement: 20,800 long tons
Propulsion Plant: Electric Drive, Life of Ship Reactor Core
Lead Design Shipbuilder: General Dynamics – Electric Boat
Crew: Two mixed gender crews of 15 officers, 20 Chief Petty Officers and 120 enlisted.
Join the Team
The Navy is on a once-in-a-generation journey to completely transform its nuclear-powered submarine fleet and maintain its critical undersea advantage. However, this military mandate will require the addition of more than 100,000 skilled workers with the training and commitment to ensure success. And there's not a moment to spare to find these people. If you are interested in a fulfilling career in additive manufacturing, welding, testing or any number of other fulfilling jobs, check out buildsubmarines.com to find thousands of job openings, in all 50 states, for everyone from entry level to career professionals. https://www.buildsubmarines.com/mission