Support the USS WISCONSIN and Her Brave Crews

Become an Association Plankowner! Individuals making a one-time donation of $827.00 will be an Association Plankowner. Pledging an additional annual donation of $82.70, an Association Plankowners will be an Association Sustaining Plankowner. All Association Plankowers will be proudly displayed on our website. (Other donation levels available.)

How To Support The USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association

  • Donations to the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association are eligible for Federal Tax-Exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) (EIN 87-2248363).

  • The USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association is a Wisconsin non-profit corporation staffed by volunteer patriots of all walks of life who support the future ship and the men and women of the United States Navy.

  • We welcome monetary support, including Qualified Required Distributions, to the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association.

Donate Online Now

Make a donation online with a credit card

If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association and mail to:

USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association
P.O. BOX 1914

Association Plankowners (*sustaining)

  • CAPT James Harvey, USN (Ret)

  • RMCM Gardner LaMarche, USN (Ret)

  • Pete Aisbet

  • Cherry Horton

  • Brian Daley

  • Tracy Gregorio*

  • Scott Kolar*

  • CAPT Mary Kolar, USN (Ret)*

  • Lisa Phillips*

  • Garry Rapala

  • Jeff Thompson

  • AWCM Denny Behr, USN (Ret)*

  • CAPT Kathy DiMaggio, USN (Ret)*

  • Tim Flatley

  • Randy Engness

  • John Lindstedt

Anita Margaret (Knops) Harvey

2 August 1940 to 6 March 2024

The USS Wisconsin Third Crew bestows the title “Eternal Plankowner” in memory of Anita Harvey.

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Anita was a loving wife, mother, and friend. While never stationed on a submarine, she supported her husband and the Sailors assigned to subs for over 40 years.

She initiated many projects to raise the morale of submariners and their families. Alongside her life partner, Captain Jim Harvey, U.S. Navy, Retired, she was strong voice from northern Wisconsin supporting a letter writing campaign that led to the bipartisan request to the Secretary of the U.S. Navy to name a submarine Wisconsin. Achieving the goal of naming the future USS WISCONSIN (SSBN 827), Anita provided the encouragement that fueled the forming of the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association. Her life lived in support of her husband, family and countless Sailors and their families will have a lasting positive impact.


  • Brian DiMaggio

  • Roger Richter

  • Christopher Perrien

  • Michael Coutcher

  • Kevin Krake

  • Christopher Lehman, Sr.

  • John C. Sand

  • Michael Couty

  • Randy Engness

Other Ways to Give

Bequests. Give your gift as a bequest. In your estate planning documents consider adding a gift to the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association.

Donations from IRA. If you must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association will count toward your RMD and be excluded from your taxable income.

Annual Giving/Pledge. Your annual donation will connect Wisconsin with USS Wisconsin in STEM activities, crew visits, ceremonial events and much more. Your donation is much appreciated.

Make a donation.

Help support the future crews of the USS Wisconsin. Help connect Wisconsinites to the USS Wisconsin and her crew

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