USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association
“Connecting the people of Wisconsin with USS WISCONSIN (SSBN 827) and her crews”
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association and our work in support of the Commissioning and the crews of the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine that will carry our state's name.
We welcome your involvement and your support of our efforts to highlight the distinct honor that the U.S. Navy has bestowed upon the great state of Wisconsin. Our Association and its supporters include Wisconsinites, those that love Wisconsin and those that love the submarine force. We are delighted to count among our members many Navy, submarine and other military veterans and their families. Most are simply patriots who want to make a difference for the young men and young women who will bring honor to the state of Wisconsin when they sail aboard the USS WISCONSIN in defense of our nation for decades to come.
The future United States Ship (USS) Submersible Ship Ballistic Missile Nuclear (SSBN 827) WISCONSIN is the second in class submarine of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (SSBN 826) Class Ballistic Missile Submarines. SSBN 827 is currently under construction via a manufacturing teaming arrangement between General Dynamics, Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut and Huntington Ingalls Industries in Newport News, Virginia. More than 300 defense contractors and hardware and software suppliers from the state of Wisconsin are also supporting the design and development of DISTRICT of COLUMBIA (SSBN 826) Class submarines, as well. She will have two crews, traditionally the Blue & Gold crews, comprised of the exceptional men and women who will operate and maintain this nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine as she fulfills her mission of strategic deterrence.
As we build awareness and spread the good news about the future USS WISCONSIN, our Association will harness the synergy of key partners, forming a strategic triad of active financial supporters, Wisconsinites, and the USS WISCONSIN crew members. Among our objectives is long term support of the boat and her crews from now through her ultimate Decommissioning in 2072.
SSBN 827 will honor Wisconsin citizens, the state’s rich maritime history and long-term shipbuilding ties to the U.S. Navy. She will follow in the tradition of the two previous ships named USS WISCONSIN, Battleship BB-9, commissioned in 1901, and the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, Battleship BB-64, which earned 6 battle stars for service in World War II and Korea, as well as the Navy Unit Commendation for service during the Gulf War.
USS WISCONSIN’s Keel Laying ceremony will be in 2025 and her Christening is expected in 2029. USS WISCONSIN is on track to be commissioned, delivered, in-service and on patrol in 2031.
The USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association is a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation with Federal IRC Sec. 501(c)(3) tax exempt status (EIN 87-2248363).
“Probably no shipbuilding program in the history of the Navy carries more import than Columbia. The future of the U.S. strategic nuclear deterrent depends on its being ready for operational deployment in 2031 and her sister SSBNs following in tight succession.”